
In the Book of Romans, Chapter 10, Verses 13-17, we are shown the process by which people come to faith. Verse 13 promises us that "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." The next three verses then instruct us that one cannot call on the name of the Lord to receive salvation if they do not first believe; and they cannot believe unless they hear of Christ; and one cannot hear unless someone preaches; a preacher cannot preach unless they are sent. Verse 17 concludes by saying, "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." 

One of the purposes of the church, and every believer, is evangelism. Connection Church has a heart for our own city and a passion for the whole world. We want to see people come to faith in Christ in Corona and in every corner of the world. 

Our Missions Program is designed to partner with ministers in Corona and all over the world by praying for them and supporting them in any and every way we can. Whether it is upholding their families and ministries in prayer, sending financial resources on a regular basis or for special needs, or by taking teams to aid them in their work for the Lord, Connection Church seeks to fulfill The Great Commission; "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." 

You can support any of the ministries and missionaries listed below by giving an offering through Connection Church. Simply mark your offering to your desired missionary and 100% of your donation will go directly to that work. You can also give an offering to "general missions" and it will go to one of the works listed below. 

  • Nairobi, Kenya, Africa: Bishop Joseph Otanga

    Bishop Joseph Otanga is a wonderful man of God whose loving spirit is evident the moment you meet him. Bishop Otanga is the General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God in Kenya through Trans World Missions. As the General Superintendent he travels across Kenya and Uganda overseeing, ministering to and helping over 50 pastors from those countries. He also pastors his own local church in Nairobi, Kenya. Through this work, weekly church services are held, orphans are fed and outdoor crusades are held in the city and in remote villages. Bishop Otanga is pictured with his wife, Rose, and their four children. 

    To contact Joseph Otanga, visit him on Facebook at facebook.com/otangajoseph.

  • Thailand: Thrive Rescue Home

    Led by Jeremy & Jennifer Krauss, Thrive Rescue Home rescues girls out of the sex trafficking industry and off the streets. Their first safe-home is located in Pattaya, Thailand. It is designed to be the base of restoration and holistic care for every child entering its doors. Thrive believes a family style home is the best model for their kids. Everything in the home has a purpose to promote peace, freedom, dignity and self-esteem, a sense of belonging, and an atmosphere that just lets kids be kids. Thrive works hard to address the specific needs of traumatized and abused children as well as provide the "ordinary" things and care that all children require. The home maintains a cheerful, fun, clean environment that keeps the child well provided for, loved, safe, and happy and promotes an atmosphere where healing and restoration is possible.

    To learn more about Thrive Rescue Homes, visit thriverescuehome.org.

  • China: Amos & Doris Wong

    Amos Wong was called into ministry at 30 years of age. Despite having a career as a very successful stock index trader, Amos gave up his promising career and faithfully responded to the Lord's calling. Amos has traveled extensively through Asia, especially China, for more than a decade, preaching open-air evangelistic crusades and ministering the life-changing principles of God's Word in churches, conferences, seminars and Bible schools. In recent years, Amos has conducted leadership training, faith seminars, youth rallies, evangelistic crusades, and established full-time Bible schools in many different parts of China. Many people have received revelations, breakthroughs, miracles, healing, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit for the very first time and lives have been touched by the living Word of God and through the power of God. The mission of Amos Wong's ministry is to...

    • pioneer and help establish strong local churches
    • raise native leaders through relevant teaching
    • hold believer's seminars and revival meetings
    • conduct city-wide Gospel meetings within national and house churches
    • establish full time Bible schools
  • Christians United For Israel

    Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States with over 2-million members and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. The purpose of CUFI is to provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, parachurch organization, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to Biblical issues.  

    To find out more about Christians United For Israel, visit www.cufi.org.

  • The Jewish Road

    The Jewish Road helps Christians make sense of their roots so they can help Jews make sense of Jesus. Many people don’t know the full story of their faith. The Jewish Road helps you go deeper. Most Christians have a basic understanding of Jesus and His teachings, but they aren’t getting the whole story. Jesus has been disconnected from His Jewishness, and Christians have been disconnected from the roots of their faith. And unfortunately, many Jewish people today don’t even acknowledge Jesus as one of their own.

    To learn more about The Jewish Road, visit them on the web at www.thejewishroad.com

  • Hope Recovery Center, Inc. - Corona, CA

    Hope Recovery Center, Inc is a Christian, non-profit 501(c)3 recovery center that provides people with hurts, habits or addictions hope and a purpose in life. Providing spiritual, academic, and vocational training based on Christian principles and the power of Jesus Christ. The vision of Hope Recovery Center is to break the cycle of self-destruction and give hope and a purpose in life by experiencing God's love and seeking a deeper relationship with Him. Hope provides life skills development, educational and vocational training, and mentorship, empowering individuals toward a successful future.

    To learn more about Hope Recovery Center, and the services they offer, contact them at (951) 603-0031, or visit them on the web at www.hoperecoverycenterinc.org

  • Corona Life Services - Corona, CA

    Corona Life Services (CLS) is a crisis-pregnancy center in our own hometown of Corona, CA. We have supported CLS since our founding in 2005 and CLS was the first organization that Connection Church took on as a missions project. CLS stands for life and helps any expectant mother by providing pregnancy tests, limited obstetric ultrasounds, options education, and more. CLS also offers a variety of classes including childbirth classes, lactation classes, parenting classes, men's mentoring classes, STD/STI education, abortion recovery, miscarriage recovery, and sexual trauma recovery classes. CLS also helps provide diapers, cribs, strollers, baby toys, baby clothes, rockers and anything else a mother might need help with to care for and support her baby. 

    To learn more about CLS or what services they offer, contact them at (951) 272-3670, or visit them on the web at www.clspregnancy.com.